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Karmic debt. What exactly is that? We always hear people use the word karma, but what does that actually mean? The internet's definition of karma is destiny or fate following as the effect from cause. So pretty much, the actions you take when using your free will, can result in certain things happening. For instance, I will use the example I used once before. If you know you're allergic to a certain food, but you eat it anyway, will result in a fatal reaction. So a lot of times, in our lives, things can sometimes happen based on decisions that we make prior. Many people use the word karma when talking about "get back" as in when someone has wrong another person. However, we also have good karma. When we do good things for people or treat others with kindness, that is returned as well.
So let's dive into the good karma. Do you know it is free to be nice to people? Some people feel like its the most difficult thing in the world to treat others with common courtesy and respect. Being a decency person to other doesn't cost you a thing. It can raise the frequency of others around you. Ever notice how when you're around someone who is down and depressed you begin to feel the same way? Energy returns energy. But say you take that same person who is sad and depressed, If you use kind words, speak positivity and uplift them, their mood will eventually begin to change, that is if they're receptive. We have the ability to shift energy and transmute it into something much greater. But you also have to be careful not to allow other to drain you by doing so. This is when you use your discernment. Never allow someone to pour or dump their negative energy into you. Also. its helpful to master the art of redirecting and detaching. Remember, sometimes you can take on someone else karma. That means by involving yourself in matters that arent for you can result in unnecessary experiences.
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